
Winter Cup 2021

December 11th and 12th at Mira Mesa High school, San Diego, CA

The Winter Cup will be the WUL’s inaugural kickoff event as a league, and we are eager to welcome our fans and show off high level ultimate! We will have various ways for fans to attend our event, both in person and virtually, and we are excited to see you all there! 

Astra and the WUL will be sending out details of the event including game schedule, event format, streaming options, fan engagement opportunities, what to expect if you are attending in person, purchasing tickets, how to support the league, and more.



Sunday 12/12

Seatle Tempest vs Utah Wild 10:00am

San Francisco Falcons vs Arizona Sidewinders 12:12pm

San Diego Superbloom vs Los Angels Astra 2:30pm

Saturday 12/11

Arizona Sidewinders vs Los Angeles Astra 12:30pm

San Franciso Falcons vs Utah Wild 2:45pm

San Diego Superbloom vs Seattle Tempest 5:00pm